Mbhajan.com’s Stats
5000 unique visitors per day, 600,000+ page views per month, over 96% India traffic.
Advertising Options
125px AD / $60 per month / Available
This ad can be animated within reason. It appears in the upper right of the blog
on all pages of the site.
160*600 / $100 each / Available
This ad can be animated within reason. It appears in the left or right column of
the blog on all pages of the site.
Simply contact me at "ads.mbhajan@gmail.com" and mention the ad you are
interested in buying and I’ll get back to you right away. Payment by PayPal
only.Minimum 1 month ad display.
5000 unique visitors per day, 600,000+ page views per month, over 96% India traffic.
Advertising Options
125px AD / $60 per month / Available
This ad can be animated within reason. It appears in the upper right of the blog
on all pages of the site.
160*600 / $100 each / Available
This ad can be animated within reason. It appears in the left or right column of
the blog on all pages of the site.
Simply contact me at "ads.mbhajan@gmail.com" and mention the ad you are
interested in buying and I’ll get back to you right away. Payment by PayPal
only.Minimum 1 month ad display.